About Us

Flatela and Associates is an East London based firm of engineering surveyors.
Originally Palmer Flatela and Associates, it was created in 2007 by the late Gary Palmer and Qaqambile Flatela.
When Gary Palmer passed away in April 2014, Qaqambile Flatela became sole proprietor, and the company became Flatela and Associates.
Keeping the same staff and equipment, the company continues to offer the same high standard as before.
Qaqambile Flatela has 21 years experience in engineering survey, has a B.Tech.Survey degree, and is registered as a Professional Engineering Surveyor/Technologist In Training.
Our objective is to provide a variety of surveying services, focusing on the greater Buffalo City area, the East Coast, the former Ciskei and Transkei, and the rest of South Africa.
We are proud of our relationship with the Surveyor General's office, and we strive to provide all of our clients with a consistent, high quality, professional service.


Qaqambile Flatela - Engineering Surveyor
Dip (Survey) B.Tech. (Survey) MSAGI Pr.S.T. (SA)

Contact Details
  043 721 0632
  086 563 7396

  067 071 6275
  086 563 7396
2 Vaal Street 460 Jokazi Street
Baysville Crossbow
East London Tsolo
5241 5170